Duraguard is a Portland Pozzolana Cement or PPC variant, with unique and uniform particle size distribution. This helps create a high density concrete mix that attributes towards structural durability and resistance to cracks. It is perfectly suited for a variety of construction jobs, from building foundations to fixing tiles fixing, from plastering to roof casting. It is compliant with BIS specifications and benchmarks; assuring the high quality of PPC.
Areas Of Application Duraguard is suitable for practically all types of RCC works like
– residential buildings,
– multi-storeyed buildings,
* mass concrete works,
* underground concrete works,
* roofing and all types of plasters,
* masonry and tile fixing works. Benefits
Ordinary cement particles allow seepage of water and chloride, making a structure weak from inside. With the unique Void Reduction Technology, Duraguard increases the strength and density of concrete and stops the attack of harmful elements. This is why houses made with Duraguard are strong from inside and last forever.
Advantages of VRT* Makes concrete impenetrable concrete
* Prevents iron rods from rusting
* Provides strong compact cement particles
* Reduces inter-granular space with Void Reduction Technology
Excellent Strength
* Superior Durability due to
* Unique Void Reduction Technology (VRT)
* Optimised pore size refinement
* Low free lime content
* Densest concrete with better surface finish
* Resistance to chemical attacks from the environment
* Low Alkali-Silica reactivity
* Low Maintenance Cost
* Lower Heat of Hydration
* Consistant Quality
Ordinary Cement
Ordinary cement cannot prevent water soluble chlorides and other corrosive agents to enter the concrete through permeation and diffusion, triggering corrosion of steel reinforcing bars, causing swelling, cracks and weakening the structure gradually.
Duraguard Cement With
With VRT, Duraguard cement reduces inter granular space, preventing ingress of chlorides and sulphates, providing resistance to corrosion of reinforcing bars and durability to structures.
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